Computer Education

  1. Big-O Notation explained
  2. How to calculate Big-O
  3. Thinking of Databases as an Excel file


  1. Javascript unit tests with JS Test Driver
  2. Backbone.js Testing book review
  3. Javascript Refactoring without an IDE
  4. Node Knockout: Play & Experiment


  1. Using test generators to save time
  2. 6 things I learned about setuptools
  3. Virtualenv Wrapper Helper
  4. distutils, and testing
  5. Why I made pisces, a testable web framework
  6. PyATOM for static site syndication
  7. Django portfolio application
  8. django-voting: a brief tutorial
  9. Using database views in Django
  10. Customizing Django Forms with Multiwidget
  11. Django at 30,000ft: A Manager's View
  12. Ignore Django, Write Tests
  13. Selenium's Page Object Pattern: The Key to Maintainable Tests

Server Mungery

  1. Bash: Your forgotten friend (part 1)
  2. Bash: Your forgotten friend (part 2)
  3. Bash: Your forgotten friend (part 3)
  4. Converting from MySQL to Postgres


  1. Versioning production settings
  2. Importance of Documentation
  3. Most used programs: an index
  4. Developing a personal brand
  5. The State of GitHub's Code Review
  6. Top 5 bookmarklets
  7. EasyMock for mere mortals
  8. My Personal Philosophy
  9. Gittip: New, Interesting, Important
  10. Cellphone plans for geeks
  11. Why I changed my name
  12. Project Structure for Advanced Beginners
  13. Imhotep: A linting tool for GitHub
  14. [] Is web scraping ethical?
  15. [] Pull Request templates make code review easier
  16. [] Recap of PyCon 2014

This & That

  1. Domain Sniffing Middleware
  2. Macports and PYTHONPATH
  3. Emacs and Transmit: Remote edit fix
  4. A fix for your fixtures and your models subdir
  5. Piping stdout when using Buildbot
  6. psycopg2 Internal Error?
  7. NameError: global name 'log' is not defined
  8. Finding unused files with Require.js imports

Tools I use

  1. tmux
  2. git
  3. zsh
  4. emacs



  1. My motivations for choosing emacs
  2. Introduction and Installation
  3. The mindset: a contextual shift
  4. Being productive
  5. Writing a static site generator using org-mode
  6. Literate Programming with org-babel


  1. Vim: My new "IDE"
  2. Vim Screencast: An Introduction
  3. Vim Screencast: % Operator
  4. Vim Screencast: Selections
  5. Vim Screencast: Macros
  6. Vim && Python: Making yourself at home